About Us

About Student Branch

The IEEE student Branch of SSN Engineering College was formed on 2ND MAY 1998.From then, there has been no looking back we have been very active and vibrant till this date. The Student Branch was started with 10 student members in 1998. Every year the number of student members joined in IEEE has increased and presently the Branch has 200+ members. Since then it has organized many events to provide outstanding value to its members. The objective of starting IEEE Student branch was to create awareness about the day today technological developments and to make them to utilize the resources available in IEEE. And to make most of our student members involve themselves in publishing research papers and projects.

IEEE's core purpose is to promote technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.

IEEE’s roots go back to 1884. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which had come to connect the world with a communications system faster than the speed of transportation. A second major area had only barely gotten underway—electric power and light, originating in Thomas Edison’s inventions.

There are more than 400,000 IEEE members in over 160 countries around the world. IEEE members are engineers, scientists and associated professionals whose technical interests are innate in science and technology related fields.

IEEE, consisting of 2,173 student branches at colleges and universities in 80 countries, has over 107,000 student members. Women in Engineering (WIE) is one of the patent entities of IEEE's Affinity Group. IEEE publishes more than 148 transactions, journals and magazines. The IEEE Xplore Digital Library has over three million documents, available for download and reference.

Student Branch Vision

The primary purpose of IEEE student branch is to Inspire, Enable, Empower and Energize our student members to enhance their technical interests by providing them a platform to show case their skills.

Student Branch Mission

  • To arrange for regular events in the campus specifically dealing with latest technologies
  • To work towards inspiring more students to become members
  • To increase the Membership Retention, though the benefits of IEEE
  • To organize technical awareness programs for young professionals
  • To form more Special Interest Groups to encourage project activity among the student members
  • To kindle students interest in making new papers and projects
  • To strive towards achieving more IEEE-sponsored awards and aim at representing papers in international conferences

Date of formation 2 May 1998
Initial Strength 10
Present Strength 200+
Student Branch Code STB60551
Student Branch Chapters Yes
Student Branch Library Yes
Home page www.ssn.edu
E-mail ieeessnsb@gmail.com
Newsletter Activities Yes
Awards Yes